MUMBAI: The veteran animal activist and founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta), Ingrid Newkirk, turns 75 years `young’ this Tuesday (June 11); and she said that there is still a lot more to be done in the field of animal rights.
Talking to TOI on the eve of her 75th birthday, Newkirk said: “Many people ask me if I have any plans to retire since I am so “old”; but I have a fire burning inside that wants me to do a lot more work for animal welfare.I feel that the existing Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, must be modified by the new government in India so that those who abuse animals pay a hefty fine or penalty.”

She added that at present, the perpetrators of animal cruelty can easily get away by paying a mere Rs 50, even if they are caught doing horrible cruelties to animals.
Having spent her childhood in Delhi, Newkirk was quite impressed by the Indian way of `karuna’ (compassion) for birds, animals, and that impression stayed with her as she founded Peta in the US in 1980, and later Peta India here.
“While there is an awareness about animal rights and the cruelty suffered by animals at circuses, film shoots, at crazy bullock cart and horse cart races, we feel that the prevailing governments in India and other countries can make that vital difference in stopping animal cruelty. For example, in over 100 places in Mexico, Spain activists have succeeded in banning cruel bull-fighting. But, in certain other parts of Europe, this blood sport continues,” said Newkirk.


Similarly, she added, that in south India Jallikattu restarted despite Peta India doing its best to stop this, while in rural Maharashtra the bullock cart races have resumed. “I find that it is mostly the men who want to express their machismo by engaging in such cruel activities like Jallikattu, in the name of `culture’. Political interference has also sided with these men, without caring about what the poor animals go through,” she elaborated.
On the issue of many people, including celebrities, becoming vegetarian or even vegan across the globe, she commented: “Yes, I am happy that many citizens worldwide have shown sensitivity towards the cruelty of animal slaughter and have opted for a plant based diet. Some have also shunned milk products and become vegan, since there is cruelty even in milk dairy production where cows are inhumanly treated like machine parts. Cows, goats, even chickens and pigs are sentient beings who understand bonding and feel pain like we do.”
However, when told that many find it difficult to give up non-vegetarian foods as they find it tasty and nutritious, although they are kind towards animals in general, Newkirk had a sharp riposte: “That’s like a rapist saying that he is compassionate, but he eventually gives in to that urge to commit that horrendous crime.”
She further stated that Peta India will also be writing to the Indian government to help protect the wildlife species, such as the magnificent elephants who suffer when their elephant corridors are destroyed for making rail lines or roads. “All political parties must think of and be sensitive towards animal rights. NGOs like us will always be there to remind the governments in this regard,” concluded Newkirk.
In India alone, the demand for vegan food and fashion has increased, countless animals worked to exhaustion have been replaced with modern e-rickshaws, numerous animals have been rescued from slaughter or abusive circuses, laws have been passed banning animal testing for cosmetics and household products, and animal dissection in undergraduate and most postgraduate training has ended, as the animal rights group has pursued these issues.