Maconie Pinto (42) was detected with a colloid cyst of the third ventricle which is a non-cancerous, fluid-filled sac that arises in the area of the brain known as the third ventricle. He complained of persistent headaches and abnormal fluid build-up for 1 month, due to a slow-growing tumour typically found near the center of the brain.

Pinto underwent minimally invasive surgery and was successfully treated by a team headed by Dr Vinod Rambal, consultant neurosurgeon at Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road in Mumbai. He informs that colloid cysts are fluid-filled sacs (gelatinous creamy material) in the brain in the third ventricle. The incidence of this tumour (third ventricular colloid cyst) is less than one percent of brain tumours.

Other common symptoms of colloid cysts include memory problems, loss of consciousness, imbalance, inability to walk, vomiting, nausea and confusion.

Dr Vinod Rambal, consultant neurosurgeon said, “Pinto had migrated to England from Goa ten years ago. He had symptoms of heavy headache and unease on and off for about a month. He consulted the doctors in the UK and was treated symptomatically but he did not get any relief from his symptoms and pain.”

He continues, “As his symptoms were persistent and intensity increased he took a flight back to Goa and got his MRI scan done and the next morning the patient came to us. The surgery called trans-cranial excision of the third ventricular tumour was performed on him. Trans-cranial refers to a small basal opening in the skull and through the dilated ventricle, the tumor was reached. It fills the third ventricle`s round shape, has a well-defined capsule, and contains gelatinous creamy material.

Dr Vinod Rambal added, “This patient’s case is rare and forms only 1 percent of total brain tumours, benign and strategically placed within the center of water sacs, deep down in the third ventricle of the brain, and results in a headache. Water is formed in ventricles and circulates within and then comes out, it obstructs the outflow of brain water and initially causes intermittent blockage and with time it gets bigger and can cause severe blockage and consequences. Though it is a benign tumour, if not diagnosed on time and treated the consequences can be life-threatening. The patient is now discharged and free from his symptoms.”

 Pinto remarks, “I was tired due to constant headaches and couldn’t find any solution for it. The diagnosis of the tumour came as a shocker for me. But, the disbelief soon gave way to a sense of overwhelming gratitude as I noticed a significant change – my chronic headaches had finally ceased. I am grateful to the doctors for their help.”

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